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NBA 2k12 PS2

NBA 2k12 PS2

Regular price $65.74 AUD
Regular price $79.99 AUD Sale price $65.74 AUD
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Game Variant Description:  To avoid confusion the copies of this item that I have below will soon if they haven't already change to the following:.Game with Case and Booklet = This means it has the cover art, hard case that holds the game and the manual.Game with Case = This means it comes with the covert art, hard case that holds the game but does not have the manual .Game Only: This variant has the game only, no cover art, no manual and may not include a case to hold the game. The random letters and numbers after each title are just how we track our stock :)

NBA 2K12 PS2 Review: A Classic Basketball Experience

Title: NBA 2K12 PS2 Review: A Classic Basketball Experience


NBA 2K12 for the PlayStation 2 (PS2) is a basketball video game that offers an immersive and realistic gaming experience. Developed by Visual Concepts and published by 2K Sports, this installment in the NBA 2K series brings the excitement of the NBA to your living room. In this review, we will delve into the various aspects of the game, including gameplay, graphics, sound, and overall enjoyment.


NBA 2K12 offers a comprehensive gameplay experience that captures the essence of basketball. The controls are intuitive and responsive, allowing players to execute various moves, dribbles, and shots with precision. The game offers a wide range of game modes, including quick play, season, playoffs, and the legendary "Jordan Challenge," where players can relive Michael Jordan's most iconic moments. The AI is well-balanced, providing a challenging experience for both casual and hardcore gamers. The gameplay mechanics are smooth, making it easy to get immersed in the game and enjoy the fast-paced action.


Considering the limitations of the PS2 hardware, NBA 2K12 manages to deliver impressive visuals. The player models are detailed, and their animations are fluid, adding to the realism of the game. The courts and stadiums are faithfully recreated, and the attention to detail is commendable. While the graphics may not match the standards of modern consoles, they are still visually appealing and do justice to the NBA atmosphere.


The sound design in NBA 2K12 is exceptional, enhancing the overall gaming experience. The game features authentic commentary from renowned NBA commentators, adding a layer of realism to the matches. The crowd reactions, player chatter, and sound effects are well-executed, further immersing players in the game. The soundtrack is diverse, featuring a mix of popular tracks that complement the gameplay and keep the energy levels high.


NBA 2K12 for the PS2 is a highly enjoyable game, especially for basketball enthusiasts. The variety of game modes, realistic gameplay, and attention to detail make it a standout title in the sports genre. Whether you're a fan of the NBA or simply enjoy basketball games, NBA 2K12 offers countless hours of entertainment. The ability to relive Michael Jordan's iconic moments adds an extra layer of nostalgia and excitement.

Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


NBA 2K12 for the PS2 is a classic basketball game that delivers an immersive and realistic gaming experience. Despite the limitations of the PS2 hardware, the game manages to impress with its gameplay, graphics, sound, and overall enjoyment. Whether you're a fan of the NBA or simply enjoy sports games, NBA 2K12 is a must-have for any PS2 owner. With its variety of game modes and attention to detail, it offers endless hours of basketball fun.

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